We deliver Business Process Transformations leveraging SAP Signavio Process Suite

Align across the organization

Involve all stakeholders in the design of yours to-be state. Get buy-in on improvement proposals. Establish process frameworks. Train your teams. Model, govern, share and collaborate on processes and actions with an all-in-one solution.

Bring experience & excellence together

Combine outside-in and inside-out perspective to translate customer, supplier, and employee experience to your operational reality. Use experience analytics and combine with operational data to understand how your products and services are perceived.

Reduce time to insight

Discover objectively how you operate today, and leverage your data to locate and evaluate process improvements potential based on simulation of alternative scenarios. Benchmarks across business units, systems and subsidiaries to identify potential for improvements based on problems and inconsistencies in process execution.

Increase agility and reduce time to action

Build a process improvement mindset and a collaborative mindshare on future process transformation. Build resilience into your processes. Identify and execute improvement opportunities with delivered configurations, metrics, and tailored recommendations.

SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite Capabilities

  • Data-driven discovery, mining, and analysis of business processes.
  • Locate and prioritize process improvement potential.
  • Fix things before you transform.
Understand Signavio
Understand Signavio
  • Capture, document, and simulate as-is processes.
  • Utilize SAP and non-SAP value accelerators and best practices.
  • Design customers journeys connected to processes.
  • Manage and drive process management-related tasks.
  • Provide governance in a human-centric fashion.
  • RPA capabilities, workflow management, NC/LC app building.
Understand Signavio


Process Analysis and Mining

Perform complete process analysis for enterprise transformation and operational excellence programs.

Process and Journey Modeling

Process simulation and modeling, standardize process and journey management.

Process governance and automated execution

Deliver framework for organizational and regulatory compliance of all documented processes.

Process Collaboration

Deliver Stakeholder alignment and active collaboration across departments.

Our Accelerators